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Journal of midwifery & women /SERIALS
Bib 13399107774
  •  Acupuncture and Acupressure in Labor/ Judith M.
  •  Labor lntervention and Outcomes in Women Who Are Nulliparous and Obese: Comparison of Nurse - Midwife to Obstetrician lntrapartum Care/ Nicole s.
  •  Cesarean Outcomes in Us Birth Centers and Collaborating Hospitals : A Cohort Comparison/ Patrick Thornton
  •  Unwarranted Variation in Utilization of Cesarean Birth Among Low-Risk Childbearing Women/
  •  Us Physician and Midwife Adherence to Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor lnternational Recommendations / Mavis N. Schorn
  •  Effects of Human Maternal Placentophagy on maternal Postpartum lron Status:A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-controlled Pilot Study/ Laura K. Gryder
  •  Where Do you feel Safest? Demographic Factors and Place of Birth/ Mickey Sperlich
  •  Modification of Obstetric Emergency Simulation Scenarios For Realism in a Home-Birth Setting/ Jamelle Komorowski