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Geriatric nursing /SERIALS
Bib 13399107805
  •  Preventing Falls in Assisted living:Results of a qualily improvement pilot study/ Sheryl Zimmerman
  •  Long Term Care nursing Competence and related factors among Taiwanese nurses: A national survey for those who completed the LTC training course/ Pei-Lum Hsieh
  •  A growing need -HV education in long-term care/ Kaitlin Siou
  •  Psychometric testing of koreanversions of self - efficacy and outcome expectaions for restorative care activities scales/ Dukyoo Jung
  •  Characterizing the high-risk homebound patients in need of nurse practitioner co-management/ Masha G.Jones.
  •  The role of nursing staff the activities of daily living of nursing home resisents/ Mirre den Ouden
  •  Effects of aromatherapy on agitation and related caregiver burden in patients with moderate to severe dementia: A pilot study/ Tugce Turten Kaymaz
  •  Why older adults may decline offers of post-acute care services: A qualitative descriptive study / justine S. Sefcik