Geriatric nursing
Rules of performance in the nursing Home: A grounded throry of nurse-CNA communication/ Connie Madden
Preventing elder abuse and neglect in geriatric institutions:Solutions feom nursing care providers/ Tenain Wangmo
Measurement of nurses attitudes and knowledge regarding acute care older patients: Psychometrics of the OPACS-US combined with the KOP-Q/ jeroen Dikken
Factors associated with aggressive behavior between resident and staff in nursing homes/ Karin Stutte
Consequences of sarcopenia among nursing home residents at ling- term follow-up/ Tim Henwood
Association among type D personality non-motor symptoms and quality of life in Parkinson disease:A Cross - Sectional study/ Sung Reul kim
Pilot study on benefils of applying a hot towel for 10s to the skin of elderly nursing home residents during bed baths: Towardents com/ Inaho shishido
The persomnel experiences with the implementation of an activity program for men in municipal health services/ Vigdis Abrahamsen