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Geriatric nursing /SERIALS
Bib 13399107805
  •  A qualitative study to examine older adults\\\' perception of health:keys to aging successfully/ Rifky tkatch
  •  Effectiveness of a balance-focused exercise program for enhancing functional fitness of older adults at risk of falling; A randomised controlled trial/ Yanan Zhao
  •  Feasibility of the Translating Innovations into Practice-toolbox (TIP-toolbox): A mixed-methods study for implementing activity innovations in nursing homes/ Nieenke O.Kuk
  •  Factors affecting nursing staff use of a communication tool to reduce potentially preventable acute care transfers in long-term care/ Stephanie A. Ballard
  •  Identifying distinct risk profiles to predict adverse events among community-dwelling older adults/ Melissa O\'Connor
  •  Reframing continence care in care-dependence/ Joan OstasZkiewicz
  •  Hearing loss education for older adults in primary care clinics Benefits of aconcise educational brochure/ Margaret I. Wallhagen
  •  Nursing home care trajectories for older adults following in-hospital palliative care consultation/ Joan G. Carpenter
  •  Evaluating the older adult experience of a web-based,tablet-delivered heart failure self-care program using gerontechnology principles/ Harlean Buck
  •  Pilot testing a digital pet avatar for older adults/ Nai-Ching Chi
  •  Using spontaneous commentary of nursing home residents to develop resident-centered measurement tools: A case study/ Lauren R. Bangerter
  •  Testing the reliability and validity of a transition map for older adults in long term care settings/ Steven V. Savvas
  •  The Responsive Leadership Intervention: Improving leadership and individualized care in long-term care/ Sienna Caspar
  •  Preditcing inpatient delirium: The AWOL delirium risk-stratification score in clinical practice/ Ethan G. Brown
  •  A pilot exploration of the effect of designated function focused care on mobility. functional dependence and falls frequency in dutch nursing home residents
  •  Accuracy of documentation in the nursing care plan in long-term institutional care/ Astrid Tuinman
  •  Adverse drug events reported by rural older adults/ Marcia Y. Shade