Geriatric nursing
A qualitative study to examine older adults\\\' perception of health:keys to aging successfully/ Rifky tkatch
Effectiveness of a balance-focused exercise program for enhancing functional fitness of older adults at risk of falling; A randomised controlled trial/ Yanan Zhao
Feasibility of the Translating Innovations into Practice-toolbox (TIP-toolbox): A mixed-methods study for implementing activity innovations in nursing homes/ Nieenke O.Kuk
Factors affecting nursing staff use of a communication tool to reduce potentially preventable acute care transfers in long-term care/ Stephanie A. Ballard
Identifying distinct risk profiles to predict adverse events among community-dwelling older adults/ Melissa O\'Connor
Reframing continence care in care-dependence/ Joan OstasZkiewicz
Hearing loss education for older adults in primary care clinics Benefits of aconcise educational brochure/ Margaret I. Wallhagen
Nursing home care trajectories for older adults following in-hospital palliative care consultation/ Joan G. Carpenter
Evaluating the older adult experience of a web-based,tablet-delivered heart failure self-care program using gerontechnology principles/ Harlean Buck
Pilot testing a digital pet avatar for older adults/ Nai-Ching Chi
Using spontaneous commentary of nursing home residents to develop resident-centered measurement tools: A case study/ Lauren R. Bangerter
Testing the reliability and validity of a transition map for older adults in long term care settings/ Steven V. Savvas
The Responsive Leadership Intervention: Improving leadership and individualized care in long-term care/ Sienna Caspar
Preditcing inpatient delirium: The AWOL delirium risk-stratification score in clinical practice/ Ethan G. Brown
A pilot exploration of the effect of designated function focused care on mobility. functional dependence and falls frequency in dutch nursing home residents
Accuracy of documentation in the nursing care plan in long-term institutional care/ Astrid Tuinman
Adverse drug events reported by rural older adults/ Marcia Y. Shade