Geriatric nursing
Caregivers for older adults:Prevalence charateristics and health care utilization and expenditures/ Shirley Musich
Observations of oral hygiene care interventions provided by nurses to hospitalized older people/ Esther Coker
The role of interpersonal sensitivity social support and quality of life in rural older adults/ Monika Wadgeworth
Older adults personal routine at time of hospitalization/ Anna Zisberg
Are nursing home care workers health and presenteeism associated care A cross-sectional multi-site study / Suzanne R.Dhaini
Long-term effectiveness and safety of once-daily single-entity extended-release hydrocodone in patients of > 75 years of age with moderate to severe nonmalignant and nonneuropathic pain/ Kathleen Broglio
Caregiving setting and Baby Boomer Caregiver stress processes:Findings from the National Study of Caregiving (NSOC)/ Heehyul Moon
Personality of the caregiver influences the use of strategies to deal with the behavior of persons with dementia/ Graca Melo
Caregivers for older adults:Prevalence Characteristics and health care utilization and expenditures/ Shirley Musich
Observations of oral hygiene Care interventions provided by nurses to hospitalized older people/ Esther Coker
The role of interpersonal sensitivity social support and quality of life in rural older adults/ Monika Wedgeworth
Older adults personal routine at time of hospitalization/ Anna Zisberg
Are nursing home care interventions provided by nurses to hospitalized older people/ Suzanne R.Dhaini
Long-term effectiveness and safety of once-daily single-entity extended-release hydrocodone in patients of 75 years of age with moderate to severe nonmalignant and nonneuropathic pain/ kathleen Broglio
Meaning in stroke family caregiving A literature review/ Jingjun Zhang
Caregiving setting and Baby Boomer caregiver stress processess: Findings from the National study of Caregiving (NSOC)/ Heehyul Moon
Personality of the caregiver influences the use of strategies to deal with the behavior of persons with dementia/ Graca Melo