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Geriatric nursing /SERIALS
Bib 13399107805
  •  Mobilizing Older adults : A multi-site exploratory and observational study on patients enrolled in the Hospital Elder Life Program(HELP)/ Rhonda L. Babine
  •  Family caregivers experiences of the pre-diagnodtic stage in frontotemporal dementia/ Hege Resmussen
  •  Social support as a mediator between depression and quality of life in Chinese community - dwelling older adults with Chronic Disease/ Ling-Na Kong
  •  Caregive decisions along the Alzheimer disease trajiectory/ Marie Truglio
  •  Informal support for older adults is negatively associated with walking and eating during hospitalization/ Nurit Gur-Yaish
  •  Working together to learn new oral hygirne techniques: Pilot of a Carepartner-assisted intervention for persons with cognitive impairment/ Ruth A Anderson
  •  Eliciting nurses perspectives to improve health informaion an =d home health care/ Erin Sarzynski
  •  Aggresive behaviour risk assessment tool for long - term care (ABRAT-L): Validation study/ son Chae kim
  •  The effect of registered nurses on nursing home residents outcomes controlling for organizational and health care market factors/ Juh Hyun shin
  •  Development adaptation and psychometric assessment of the extended brisbane practice environment measure for nursing homes (B-PEM-NH) for use in the Norwegian setting/ Rebecka Maria Norman
  •  Predictors of subjective age in community-dwelling older adults in korea/ Yeji Hwang
  •  Should vitamin C routinely be given with oral iran supplements/ William Simonson