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Family & community health /SERIALS
Bib 13399107806
  •  Using community Feedback to lmprove community interventions: Results From the Deep south Network for Cancer Control Project/ theresa A. Wynn,
  •  Planting Healthy Roots: Using Documentary Film to Evaluate and Dissminate Community-Based Participatory Research/ Heather M. Brandt
  •  lmpact of Self-Preference Community Fitness lnterventions in High-Risk African Americans/ Lisa R.Yanek
  •  Wise Choices: Nutrition and Exercise for Older Adults: A Community-Based Health Promotion lntervention/ Melanie T. Turk
  •  Do the Features, Amenities, and Quality of Physical Activitivity Resources Differ Between City and County Areas of a Large Rural Region?/ Jennie L.Hill
  •  Consistency of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity in Middle School Physical Education/ Monique Gill
  •  Barriers to Paticipation in Physical in Physical Activity Among South Sudanese Children in South Australia: Parents\' Perspectives/ William Mude
  •  Exploring the Contextual Factors of Adolescent Obesityin an Underserved Population Through Photovoice/ Michelle Nichois