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Family & community health /SERIALS
Bib 13399107806
  •  Examining the lmpact of Structural Racism on Food lnsecurity:Implications for Addressing Racic Disparities/ Bettine M.Beech
  •  Looking For Food:Food Access, Food Insecurity and the Food Environment in Rural Mississippi/ Leslie H. Hossfeld
  •  A Theoretically-Grouded Investigation of Perceptions About Healthy Eating and mHeslth Support Among African American Men and Wonen in New Orleans Louisiana/ Jylana L. Sheats
  •  Sex Rece Food Security and Sugar Consumption Change Efficacy Among Low-Income Parents in an Urban Primary Care Setting/ Marino A. Bruce
  •  Social and Demographic Predictors of Nutritional Risk: Cross-sectional Analyese From the UAB Study of Aging ll/ David R. Buys
  •  Health, Well-being and Health Care Access in Rural Communities:Comparing Latino and Non-Latino White Low-income Families/ Doris l.Cancel
  •  There and Back Again : How the Repeal of ACA cna Impact Community Health Centers and the population They Serve/ Nadereh Pourat
  •  The Effects of a Health Promotion Program on Rural West Virginia Adults/ Amy E.Spurrier
  •  Obstetric Access and the Community Health Imperative For Rural Women/ Lynette Hamlin
  •  The Relationship Between Expressed Emotion and the Probability of Suicide Among Turkish Psychiatric Outpatients: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Survey/ Sati Demir
  •  Parenting Stress in Fathers of Children With Type 1 Diabetes/ Christine A. Limbers
  •  Health and Health Care From the Perspective of Intimate Partner Violence Adult Female Victims in Shelters:Impact of IPV Unmet Needs Barriers Experiences and Preferences/ Pamela Wadsworth