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Family & community health /SERIALS
Bib 13399107806
  •  The Role of Individual and Perental American Indian Indian Boarding School Attendance on Chronic Physical Health of Northern Plains Tribes/ Ursula Running Bear
  •  The Role of Collective Efficacy in Reducing Health Disparities: A Systematic Review/ Jean Butel
  •  Identifying Food Insecurity in Health Care Settings: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Evidence/ Emilia H. De Marchis
  •  Testing the Efficacy of a Wab-Based Parent - Adolescent Sexual Communication Intervention Among Puerto Ricans/ Nelson Varas-Diaz
  •  Maternal Social and Economic Factors and Infant Morbidity Mortality and Congenital Anomaly : Are There Associations/ Leanne Kosowan
  •  Building and Sustaining Community Capacity to Address Childhood Obesity: A 3-Yesr Mixed-Methods Case study of a Community-Academic Advisory Board/ Donna-Jean P.Brock