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Family & community health /SERIALS
Bib 13399107806
  •  Conduction a Community Street Survey to Inform an Obesity Intervention : the WE Project/ Maghboeba Mosavel
  •  Development and Validation of a Community Assessment Survey for Diverse Rural Family Caregivers of People With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias/ Michael J.McCarthy
  •  Local Health Depatment and Hospital Collaboration Around Community Health Needs Asessment to Improve Health Outcomes/ Oluwaseyi O.Isehunwa
  •  Generational Status Language Use Parental Limit Setting and Screen Time in US Latinx Children/ Neil P. Sharma
  •  Laboring With the Heart : Promotoras Transformations Professional Challenges and Relationships With Communities/ Angela Gutierrez
  •  Active Play Network Influences on Physical Activity Among Children Living in Texas Colonoas/ Tyler Prochnow
  •  Forgoing Care in Southernmost Texas: Compounding Hardship and Health Among Latinx Immigrant Border Residents/ Jennifer Tabler
  •  Paying for Pediatric Home Health Care : How Families of Children With Medical Complexity Navigate Gaps in Coverage/ Jessica C.Raisanen
  •  Mass Incarceration and Children\'s Health : A State - Level Analysis of Adverse Birth Outcomes and Infant Child and Teen Mortality/ James M.Conway
  •  Association Between Sense of Coherence and Periodontal Outcomess: A Systematic Review and Meta - analysis/ Edison Andres
  •  Lessons From the Feasibility Testing of a Parent - Focused Life Skills - Based Intervention to Prevent Obesity in Preschoolers From Underserved Families/ Temitope Erinosho