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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Editorial: Abandoned LuncheoneTTers: Can Health Promotion Stem the Loss of Social Capital?/ Paul E. Terry
  •  New Pathways From short sleep to obesity? Associations Between Short sleep and \"secondary\" Eating and Drinking Behavior/ Gabriel S. Tajeu
  •  mpact of California Children\'s Power Play! Campaign on Fruit and vegetable Intake and Physical Activity among Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Students/ Angie Keihner
  •  Promoting Policy and Environmentaa Change in Faith-Based organizations: Description and Findings From a Mini-Grants Program/ Kimberely R. Jacob Arriola
  •  \"Get drunk. Smoke weed. Have fun.” : A Content Analysis of Tweets About Marijuana and Alcohol/ Melissa J. Krauss
  •  Which Type of Antismoking Advertisement Is Perceived as More Effective? An Experimental study with a sample of Australian Socially Disadvantaged Welfare Recipients/ Ashleigh Guillaumier
  •  Text to Quit China: An mHealth Smoking Cessation Trial/ Erik Augustson
  •  Social Smoking and Mental Health Among Chinese Male College Students/ Long-biao Cai
  •  An Overview of State Policies Supporting Worksite Health Promotion Programs/ Jennifer VanderVeur
  •  A Qualitative Examination of smoke-Free Policies and Electronic cigarettes Among Sheltered Homeless Adults/ Maya Vijayaraghavan