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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Can Diabetes Prevention Improve Health and Save Medicare Care Know, and Why Is/ Michael P. O\'Donnell
  •  A Randomized Trial of Social Comparison Feedback and Financial Incentives to Increase Physical Activity/ Mitesh S. Patel
  •  Improving Healthy Eating and the Bottom Line: Impact of a Price Incentive Program in 2 Hospital Cafeterias/ Amy J. Patsch
  •  Compliance With Point-of-Sala Tobacco control Policies in School-Adjacent Neighborhoods in Mumbai,India/ Ritesh Mistry
  •  A Randomized Controlled Trial of Employees\\\' Monetary Contributions to Deposit Contracts to Promote Weight Loss/ Jeffrey T. Kullgren
  •  Trends in Biometric Health Indices Within an Employer-Sponsored Wellness Program With Outcome-Based Incentives/ Patricia Lin Fu
  •  Improvements in Health Behaviors, Eating Self-Efficacy, and Goal-Setting Skills Following Participation in Wellness Coaching/ Matthew M. Clark
  •  The Role of Vitality in the Relationship Between a Healthy Lifestyle Costs of Health Care and Lost Productivity: A Mediation Analysis/ L. Hartman
  •  SAGE Publications is Now the Publisher of Health Promotion/ Michael P O\'Donnell
  •  Effects of Exercise-Based Interventions on Neonatal Outcome: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials/ Gema Sanabria-Martinez
  •  The Impact of College Student Financial Health on Other Dimensions of Health/ James E. Bemel
  •  Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Trials of the girls on the Go! program to Improve Self-Esteem in Girls/ Loredana Tirlea
  •  Correlates of Reported Use and Perceived Helpfulness of Calorie Information in Restaurants Among U.S. Adults/ Apirl Oh and Anh Bao Nguyen
  •  The Impact of Breastfeeding on Early Childhood Obesity: Evidence from the National Survey of Children\'s Health / Francesca V. Hansstein
  •  Effects of Community Singing Program on Mental Health Outcomes of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: A Meditative Approach / Jing Sun and Nicholas Buys
  •  \" Quit & Win \" Contests Among College Students: Predictors of Long-Term Smoking Abstinence / Janet L. Thomas and Xianghua Luo
  •  Measuring the Processes of Change From the Transtheoretical Model for Physical Activity and Exercise in Overweight and Obese Adults / Ahmed Jerome Romain and Paquito Bernard
  •  The Influence of Health Literacy on Reach, Retention, and Success in a Worksite Weight Loss Program / Jamie Zoellner and Wen You
  •  Our Health ls in Our Hands: A Social Marketing Campaign to Combat Obesity and Diabetes / Kimberly S. George
  •  Multilevel Analysis of Municipal officials\' Participation in Land use policies Supportive of Active Living: City and Individual Factors / Marissa Zwald
  •  Creating a Screening Measure of Health Literacy for the Health Information National Trends survey /^Sara Champiln and Michael Mackert
  •  Which is more dangerous: international terrorism or secondhand smoke?/ Michael P. O\'Donnell
  •  Different types of sedentary activities and their association with perceived and wellness among middle-aged and older adults: A cross-sectional analysis/ Carley O\'Neill
  •  Does dog walking predict physical activity participation: results form a national survey/ Elizabeth A. Richards
  •  Health behavior combinations and their association with inflammation/ Paul D. Loprinzi
  •  Rondomized clinical trial of the women\'s lifestyle physical activity program for african-american woman: 24- and 48-week outcomes/ Joellen Wilbur
  •  Spice myplate: nutrition education focusing upon spices and herbs improved diet quality and attitudes among urban high school students/ Christopher R. D\'Adamo
  •  Association between sugar-sweetened beverage intake and proxies of acculturation among U.S. hispanic and non-hispanic white adults/ Sohyun Park
  •  Baseline predictors of singular action among participants with multiple health behavior risks/ Miryam Yusufov
  •  The impact of a national tobacco education campaign on state-specific quitline calls/ Lei Zhang
  •  The Experience with smoke-free policies in affordable multiunit housing in north carolina:A statewide survey/ Anna H. Stein
  •  From the classroom to facebook: Afresh approach for youth to youth tobacco prevention/ Antonis A. Kousoulis
  •  Editorial: Is It Time to Separate the Financial and Health Goals of Workplace Health Promotion Programs? / Michael P. O\' Donnell
  •  Promoting lnfluenza Vaccintion to Restaurant Employees/ Meredith C. Graves
  •  Healthful Nutrition of Foods in Navajo Nation Stores : Availability and Pricing/ Gayathri Kumar, Sonlatsa Jim-Martin, Emily Pilch
  •  A Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, lmplementation, Maintenance Evaluation of Weekend backpack Food Assistance Programs/ Carmen Byker Shanks
  •  Making Healthy Eating Policy Practice: A Group Randomized Controlled Trial on Changes in Snack Quality costs, And Consumption in After-School Programs / Michael W. Beets
  •  Adolescent and Young Adult Amokres Who Self-ldentify as Nonsmokers: Relationship With Cigarette-Related Withdrawal and Cravings/ jerome F: Walker
  •  A Multicomponent lntervention Helped Reduce Sugar-Sweetened Beverage lntake in Economically Disadvantaged Hispanic Children/ Feng Huaxin Song M.
  •  The effects of Telecommuting lntensity on Employee Health/ Rachel Mosher
  •  The Effects of Tai Chi on Cardiovascular Risk in Women/ jo Lynne Robins
  •  Differences in Weight - Related Behavioal Profiles by sexual Orientation Among College Men : A latent Class Analysis/ Nicole A
  •  Neighborhood Attributes Associated With the Social Environment/ Stephanie T.
  •  Combining Motivational and Physical lntervention Components to Promote Fall-Reducing Physical Activity Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults : A Feasibility Study/ siobhan Kathleen