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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  The Marketing of Dissolvable Tobacco: Social Science and Public Policy Research Needs / Brian G. Southwell and Author
  •  A Prospective Examination of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Dementia Risk in Later Life/ Mary Elizabeth Bowen
  •  Changes in Hip Bone Mineral Density and Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Middle-Aged Women: A 6-Year Prospective Study/ Neil R. Nokes and Larry A. Tucker
  •  Psychological and Physiological Response of Students to Different Types of Stress Management Programs/ Silvia L. Iglesias and Author
  •  Does It Pay to Pay People to Share Information? Using Financial Incentives to Promote Peer Referral for Mammography Among the Underinsured/ Brian G. Southwell and Author
  •  Medics as a Channel for Worksite Health Promotion in Remote Global Locations/ Piroska A. Bisits Bullen
  •  Enhancing Industry-Based Dissemination of an Occupational Sun Protection Program With Theory-Based Strategies Employing Personal Contact/ David B. Buller and Author
  •  Food Outlet Accessibility and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption/ Nicholas J. Ollberding and Author
  •  Does Community Type Moderate the Relationship Between Parent Perceptions of the Neighborhood and Physical Activity in Children?/ Casey P. Durand and Author
  •  Using a SWOT Analysis to Inform Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Strategies for a Remote First Nations Community in Canada/ Kelly Skinner and Author
  •  Validity and Reliability of a Dietary Stages of Change Measure Among Economically Disadvantaged African-American Adolescents/ Jennifer Di Noia and Author
  •  Evaluative Thinking: A Tool to Inform Policy Development and Policy Impact Evaluations / Diane O. Dunet and Author
  •  Effectiveness of Financial Incentives for Longer-Term Smoking Cessation: Evidence of Absence or Absence of Evidence?/ Andrea B. Troxel and Kevin G. Volpp
  •  Improving Cancer Screening Among Women With Mobility Impairments: Randomized Controlled Trial of a Participatory Workshop Intervention/ Jana J. Peterson and Author
  •  Mediating Effects of Group Cohesion on Physical Activity and Diet in Women of Color: Health Is Power/ Rebecca E. Lee and Author
  •  Exploring and Reducing Stress in Young Restaurant Workers: Results of a Randomized Field Trial/ Robyn D. Petree, Kirk M. Broome and Joel B. Bennett
  •  Adopting Local Alcohol Policies: A Case Study of Community Efforts to Regulate Malt Liquor Sales/ Patricia A. McKee and Author
  •  Assessing the Social and Physical Contexts of Children s Leisure-Time Physical Activity: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study/ Genevieve Fridlund Dunton and Author
  •  Formative Research Conducted in Rural Appalachia to Inform a Community Physical Activity Intervention/ Tina M. Kruger and Author
  •  Characteristics of Step-Defined Physical Activity Categories in U.S. Adults/ Susan B. Sisson and Author
  •  A Ballroom Dance Classroom Program Promotes Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity in Elementary School Children/ Shirley Y. Huang and Author