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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Knowledge Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Sodium lntake and Reduction Among Consumers in the United States/ Deesha Patel
  •  Promoting Diet and Physical Activity in Nurses: A Systematic Review/ Luciana Torquati
  •  Dose Skin in the Game Matter if you Aren\'t Playing Examining Prevalence, Screening, and Disclosure/ Bill J.Wright
  •  Perinatal lllicit Drug and Marijuana Use: An Observational studt Examining prevalence, Screening and Disclosure/ jude C. Chang
  •  Rural Print Media and a Tailored advocacy lntervention for Smoke-Free Policy/ Ellen j. Hahn
  •  The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Alcohol Ues Among Adults in the United States : A Systematic Review of the Literature/ Tonya Doge
  •  Active8: Technology - Based Interventione to Promote Physical Activity in Hospital Employees/ Holly Blake
  •  Comparative Effectiveness of Two Walking Interventions on participation Step Counts and Health/ Aaron Smith
  •  Seung for Food and Beverage Worksite Wellness Strategies and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake Employed U.S. Adults/ Seubg Hee Lee-Kwan
  •  Telephone-Based Coaching: A Comparison of Tobacco Cessation Programs in an Integrated Health care System/ Mindy Boccio
  •  Advancing School and Community Engagement Now For Diseaes Prevention (ASCEND) : A Quasi-Experimental Trial of School-Based Interventions to Prevent Childhood Obesity/ Judith A. Treu
  •  Editorial : Preserving Employee Privacy in Wellness/ Paul E.Terry
  •  Health Behaviors and Medication Adherence in Elderly Patients/ Euna Han
  •  Snacking Satiety and weight : A Randomized Controlled Trial/ Valentine yanchou Njike
  •  The Effect of Changes in Physical Activity on Sedentaty Behavior: Results From a Randomized Lifestyle Intervention Trial/ Juned Siddique
  •  Toward effective Water pipe Tobacco Control Policy in the United States: Synthesis of Federal State and Local Policy Texts/ jason B. Colditz
  •  Determing Barriers and Facililators Associaed With Willingness to Use a Personal Health Information Management System to Support Worksite Wellness Programs/ David M. Neyens
  •  Differences in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Health Behvoirs Between Blak and Non-Black Students Participating in a School-Based Health Promotion Program/ Taylor Jamreson
  •  An Integrated Approach to Addressing Chronic Disease Risk Factors in Financially Disadvantaged Women in South Carolona/ Fred K. Tabung
  •  Perception of Food Intake Physical Activity and Obesity Among African - American Children in the Lower Mississippi Delta/ Bernestine B. Mcgee
  •  Engaging Minority youth in Diabetes Prevention Efforts Through a Participatory Spoken-Word Social Marketing Campaign/ Elizabeth A. Rogers