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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Prediction of Physical Activity level Using Processes of Change From the Transtheoretical Model:Experiential Behavioral or an Interaction Effect/ Ahmed Jerome Romain
  •  Source and Size of Social Support Network on Sedentary Behavior Older Adults/ Paul D.Loprinzi
  •  Work Site - Based Environmental Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior: A Systematic Review/ Amanda K. Hutcheson
  •  Identifying Key Elements to Inform the Development of an HIV Health Behavior Maintenance Intervention/ Stephen J. Hile
  •  Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environments and Wellness Supports Repoted by Employed Adults in the United States 2013/ Stephen j. Onufrak
  •  Forgiveness Working: Forgiveness Health and Productivity in the Workplace/ Loren Toussaint
  •  Meeting Sleep Guidelines Is Associated with Better Health-Relateg Quality of Life and Reduced Premature All-Cause Mortaliy Risk/ Paul D. Loprinzi
  •  Public Perception of Quality and Support for Required Access to Drinking Water in Schools and Parks/ Michael W. Long
  •  Frequency of Eating Out at Both Fast-Food and sit-Down Restaurants Was Associated With High Body Mass Index in Non-Large Metropolitan Communities in Midwest/ Surabhi Bhutani
  •  Youth Access to School Salad Bars in the United States 2011 to 2014/ Brenna K.Vanfrank
  •  Prevalence and Correlates of Missing Meals Among High School Students United States 2010/ Zewditu Demissie
  •  Socioecological Effects of PTSD Remediation in Veterans Using Clindren in the united States/ Paul D. Loprinzi
  •  Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Health - Care Utiliaztion Among Children in the United States/ Ashley L. Merianos
  •  Secondhand Smoke Exposure 7 Years After an Indoor Smoke-Free Law
  •  Smoke-Free Men: Competing and Connecting to Quit/ Joan L. Bottorff
  •  Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to cigareettes and Snus Received by a Cohort of Messages Aimed at Increasing Compliance With a Tobacco-Free Policy/ Rachael A.Record
  •  Sources and Number of Coupons for Cigarettes and Snus Received by a Cohort of young Adults/ Kelvin Choi
  •  An Empirical Analysis of the Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/ Grace Bagwell Adams
  •  The Effect of Cost Sharing on an Employee Weight Loss Program : A Randomized Trial/ Scott D.Halpern
  •  Evaluating Coincident Relationships Between Obesity Incidence and Normal Weight Ewight Incidence From Birth Thoigh Kindergarten For US Children/ William H. Yeaton
  •  Tailored Educational Approaches for Consumer Health:A Model to Address Health Promotion in an Era of Personalized Medicne/ Vanessa Sturz
  •  Association Between Monetary Deposits and Weight Loss in Online Commitment Contracts/ Lenard I. Lesser
  •  why health promotion Needs to Change/ Paul E.terry
  •  Prediction of Physical Activity Level Using Processes of chang From the Transtheoretical Model:Experiential,Behavioral or an Interaction Effect/ Ahmed jerome Romain
  •  Accelerometer-Determined Physical Actvity and All-Cause Mortality in a National Prospective Cohort Study of Adults Post-Acute Stoke/ Paul D. Loprinzi
  •  Source and Size of Social Support Network on Sedentary Behavior Among Older Adults/ Paul D. Loprinzi
  •  Work Site-Based Environmental Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Behavior:A Systematic Review/ Amanda K.Hutcheson
  •  Forgiveness Working: Forgiveness Health and Productivity in the Workplace/ Loren Toussaint
  •  Meeting Sleep Guidelines Is Associated With Beetter Health-Related Quality of life and Reduced Premature All-Cause Mortality Risk/ Paul D. Loprinzi
  •  Frequency of Eating Out at Both Fast-Food and Sit-Down Restaurants Was Associated With High Body Mass Index in Non-Large Metropolitan Communities in Midwest/ Surabhi Bhutani
  •  Prevalence and Correlates of Missing Meals Among High School Students -United States ,2010/ Zewditu Demissie
  •  Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environmonts and Wellness Supports Reported by Employed Adults in the United States 2013/ Stephen J.Onufrak
  •  Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environments and Wellness Supports Reported by Employed Adults in the United States 2013/ Stephen J.Onufrak
  •  Socioecological Risk Predictors of Physical Activity and Associated Mortality/ Paul D.Loprinzi
  •  Epigenetic Effects of PTSD Remediation in Veterans Using Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques: A Randomiaed Comtrolled Pilot Study/ Dawson Church
  •  Secondhand Smoke Exposure 7 Years After an Indoor Smoke-Free Law/ 1Ann W.St Claire
  •  Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Health -Care Utilization Among Children in the United States/ Ashley L. Merianos
  •  Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Guide Focus Group Development of Messages Aimed at Increasing Compliance With a Tobacco-Free Policy/ Rachael A.Record
  •  Sources And Number of Coupons for Cigarettes and Snus Received By a Cohort of young Adults/ Kelvin Choi
  •  An Empirical Analysis of the Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/ Grace Bagwell
  •  The Effect of Cost sharing on an Employee Weight loss program: A Randomized Trial/ Leslie K. john
  •  Evaluating Coincident Relationships Between Obesity Incidence and Normal weight Incidence from Birth Through Kindergarten for US Chidren/ william H. Yeaton
  •  Tailored Educational Approaches for Consumer Health: A Model to Address Health Promotion in an Era of Personalized Medicine/ wendy F. Cohn
  •  Association Between Monetary Deposits and Weight loss in Online Commitment Contracts/ Lenard l. Lesser
  •  The Impact of Protective Behavioral Strategy use Frequency on Blood Alcohol Concentration Among/ Adam E. Barry
  •  Feasibility and Reliability of the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth (SOPLAY ) for Measuring Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity in Children Visiting an Interactive Children Museum Exhibition/ Alen Agaronov
  •  Development and Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of Decisional Balanc and Self - Efficay Measures for Managing Anxiety in a National Sample of Clinically Anxious Adults/ Jessica M. Lipschitz
  •  Short-Form Audit Instrument for Assessing Corner Store Healthfulnss/ Christopher M. Wharton