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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Parental Characteristics and Reasons Associated With Purchasing Kids Meals for Their Children/ Seung Hee Lee-Kwan
  •  Impacting Multiunit Housing Managers Beliefs About the Benefits of Adopting Smoke-Free Policies: A Pilot Investigation/ Emma l. Brett
  •  Resilience in American Indian and Alaska Native Public Health: An Underexplored Framework/ Nicolette I. Teufel-Shone
  •  A Targeted Self-Management Approach for Reducing Stroke Risk Framework/ Martha Sajatovic
  •  Barriers to Quitting Smoking Among Young Adults: the Role of Socioeconomic Status/ Samantha Carlson
  •  The Effcacy of Using Financial Incentives to Change Unhealthy Behaviors Among a Rural Chroniclly lll/ Keith Kranker
  •  Changing Attitudes and Knowledge Toward SNAP Application/ Carolyn L. Bird
  •  Examining How Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status Geographic Accessibility and Informational Accessibility/ Andrew F. Clark
  •  WIC Cash Value Voucher Environmental Factors That Maximize the Effectiveness of a Multilevel Intervention/ Chelsea R. Singleton
  •  Does the CATCH Early Childhood Program Increaase Physical Activity Among Low-Income Preschoolers Results From a Pilot Study/ Ru-Jye Chaung
  •  Student Hunger on Campus: Food Insecurity Among College Students and Implications for Academic Institutions/ Devon C.Payne-Stuges
  •  Healty Immigrant Families:Randomized Controlled Trial of a Family-Based Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention/ Mark L. Wieland
  •  Enhanced Curriculum Intervention Did Not Result in Increased Postnatal Physical Activity in Rural Southern Primarily African American Women/ Jessica L. Thomson
  •  Socioeconmic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Physical Activity Environments in Georgia Elementary Schools/ Miriam E. Ven Dyke
  •  Reporting More But Moving Less The Complex Relationship between Acculturation and Physical Activity Among US Adults/^Hua Zan
  •  Association of Wage With Employee Participation in Health Assessments and Biometric Screening/ Bruce W. Sherman
  •  Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Characteristics of Social Network Support for Exercise Among Latinas/ Sandra H.Soto
  •  Evaluation of a Behavioral Intervention With Multiple Components Among Low-Income and Uninsured Adults With Obesity and Diabetes/ SangNam Ahn
  •  Rural-Urban Disparities in Obesity Prevalence Among Working Age Adults in the United States: Exploring The Mechanisms/ Ming Wen
  •  Weight Management Behaviors Among Mexican Among Working Age Adults in the United States:Exploring the Mechanisms/ Jennifer L. Gay
  •  Older African American Homeless-Experienced Smoker Attitudes Toward Tobacco Control Policies-Results From the HOPE HOME Study/ Maya Vijayaraghavan
  •  Overcoming Obesity: A Mixed Methods Study of the Impact of Primary Care Physician Counseling on Low-Income African American Women Who Successfully Lost Weight / Elaine Seaton
  •  Worksite Health Promotion for Low -Wage Workers: A Scoping Literature Review/ Emily Stiehl
  •  Wellness Programs With Financial Incentives Through Disparities Lens/ Alison Cuellar
  •  Student Hunger on Campus: Food Insecurity Among College Students and Implications for Academic Institutions/ Devon C. Payne-Sturges
  •  Does the CATCH Early Childhood Program Increase Physical Activity Among Low-Income Preschoolers? - Results From a Pilot Study/ Ru-Jye Chuang Shreela V.