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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Exployee Adherence to a Tobacco - Free Executive Order in Kentucky/ verity Cleland
  •  Employee Adherence to a tobacco-free Executive Order in kentucky/ Melinda J.jckes
  •  Availability and Use of Workplace Supports for Health Promotion Among Employees of Small and Large Businesses/ Ann Marie Dale
  •  Knowledge of Health Conditions Associared With Sugar- Sweetebed Beverage Intake Is Low Among US Hispanic Adults/ Sohyun Park
  •  Predictors of Exclusive Breastfeeding for 6 Montns in a National Sample of US Chidren/ Cathleen Oder Stough
  •  A Multicomponent Intervention to Encourage Stair Use in Municipal Buildings/ Brent W.Moloughney
  •  Household Implementaion of Smoke-Free Rules in Homes and Cars: A Focus on Adolescent Smoking Behavior and Secondhand Smoke Exposure/ Michael J. Parks
  •  WIC Householas Bread and Cold Cereal Purchases: When They Use Benefits Versus Paying Out of Pocket/ Hayden Stewart
  •  Sexual Behaviors Mobile Technology Use, and Sexting Among College Students in the American South/ Lucy A.Ingram
  •  The Influence of Friends and Psychosocial Factors on Physical Activity and Screen Time in Normal and Overweight Adolescents: A Mixed - Methods Analysis/ Jeanette M. Garcia
  •  Qualitative Assessment of Smoke-Free Policy Implementation in Low-Income Housing: Enhancing Resident Compliance/ Jodi Anthony
  •  Effectiveness of an Energy Management Training Course on Employee Well-Being: A Randomized Controlled Trial/ Sai Krupa Das
  •  Are Financial Incentives for Lifestyle Behavior Change Informed or Inspired by Behavioral Econmics? A Mapping Review/ Bronwyn McGill