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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Editorial : Workplace Health Promotion Is Growing Up but Confusion Remains About What Constitutes a Comprehensive Approach/ Paul E.Terry
  •  The Sustainability of a Workplace Wellness Program That Incorporates Gamification Principant Engagement and Health Benefits After 2 years/ Ilka Lowensteyn
  •  Positive and Negative Experiences on Social Media and Perceived Social Isolation/ Brian A.Primack
  •  Plant - Based Diets in Hispanic / Latino Adult Adventists in the United States and Their Association With Body Mass Index/ Karen Jaceldo
  •  Differential Associations Between Anti - Tobacco Industry Attitudes and Intention to Quit Smoking Across Young Adult Peer Growds/ Jennnifer L. Pomeranz
  •  Race Differences in Physical Activity Uptake Within a Workplace and Intention to Quit Smoking Across Young Adult Peer Growds/ Samantha M.Meints
  •  Key Drivers of State Preemption of Food Nutrition and Agriculture Policy : A Thematic Content Analysis of Public Testimony/ Jennifer L. Pomeranz
  •  Keep it Realistic: Reactions to and Recommendations for Physical Activity Promotion Messages From Focus Groups of Women/ Chan L.Thai
  •  An Evaluation of Lifestyle Health Coaching Programs Using Trained Health Coaches and Evidence-Based Curricula at 6 Months Over 6 Years/ Amanda R.Budzowski
  •  Promoting Influenza Vaccination Among an ACA Health Plan Subscriber Population :A Randomized Trial / Eileen K.Nehme
  •  The Longitudinal Relationship Between Social Support and Physical Activity in Hispanics/ Natalia I.Heredia
  •  Living With a Smoker and General and Central Adiposity in Middle - Aged and Older Women/ Charles J.Holahan
  •  Evaluating Healthy Vending at the Amreican Heart Association National Center: A Pilot Study/ Stella Yan
  •  Increasing Access to Physical Activity Within Low Income and Diverse Communities:A Systematic Review/ S.Stasi,J. Spengler,
  •  Measurement of Preconception Health Knowledge:A Systematic Review/ Zoe.F.Cairncross
  •  E-Cigarettes and Young People: Communicating an Emerging Public Health Risk/ Jane Mitchko