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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  Allyship Antiracism and the Strength of Weak ties : A Berber a Professor and an Entrepreneur Walk Into a Room/ Paul E.Terry
  •  Should we Worry About Setting Association of Program Fidelity with youths Satisfaction and Intention to Practi safer sex/ Nazratun Nayeem
  •  Development and Psychomrtric Evaluation of the Preconception Health Knowledge Questionnaire/ Zoe Cairncross
  •  The Effect of Boarding on Obesity Among Middle School Students : From China/ linyue yu and wei chen
  •  Better Me Within Rendomized Trial : Faith - Based Diabetes Prevention Program for Weight loss in African American Women/ Heather Kitzman
  •  Using a Social Capital Framework to Explore a Bxplore a Role in Small Employer Wellness Program Uptake and Implementation/ Michele Thornton
  •  Effects of Motivational Interviewing and Wearable Fitness Trackers on Motivation and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review/ Kayla Nuss
  •  The Impact of Financial Incentives on Physical Activity : A Systematic Review and Meta - Analysis/ My - linh Nguyen Luong
  •  Overdose Awareness and Reversal Trainings at Philadelphia Public Libraries/ Margaret Lowenstein
  •  Exploring Sex Differences in the Effectiveness of Telehealth - Based Health Coaching in Weight Mansgement in an Employee Population/ Kelly E.Johnson
  •  Response Variations to Survey Items About Fireaems in the 2004 and 2017 Behavioral Risk factor Surveillance System/ John R.Blosnich
  •  Mental Health Risk Among Members of the Millennial Population Cohort:A Concern for Public Health/ Julie E.Lucero
  •  Understanding the Cumulative Burden of Basic Needs Insecurities: Association With Health and Academic Achievement Among College Students/ cindy W.Leung
  •  Heterogeneity in the Effects of Food Vouchers on Nutrition Among Low-Income Adultus:A Quantile Regression Analysis/ Justin S. White
  •  Impact of School-Based Fitness Testing Awards on Physical Activity Guidelines for Children With Disabilities: NHANES/ Willie Leung