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American Journal of Health Promotion / SERIALS
Bib 13399109020
  •  The 25 Best Books of all Time for Health Promotion Professionals/ Paul E.Terry
  •  Psychographic profiling of Adult Tobacco Users and Implications for Mediated Message Tailoring/ Danielle A. Duarte
  •  Translating CDSMP to the Workplace : Results of the Live Healthy Work Healthy Program/ Mark G.Wilson
  •  Employee Sleep Enhancement and Fatigue Reduction programs: Analysis of the 2017 CDC Workplace Health in America Poll/ Rebecca Robbins
  •  Sociodemographic Predictors of Adherence to Adherence to National Diet and Physical Activity Guidlines at Age 5 Years : The Healthy Start Study/ Traci A.Bekelman
  •  Beverage Advertisement Receptivity Associated with Sugary Drink Intake and Harm Perceptions Among California Adolescents/ Benjamin W.Chaffee
  •  Prevalence of Mental Disorders by Socioeconomic Status in Australia : A Cross-Sectional Eqidemiological Study/ Rubayyat Hashmi
  •  Adolescent Susceptibility to E-Cigarettes : An Update Fromm the 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey/ Alayna P. Tackett
  •  Physical Activity Assessment and Recommendation for Adults With Arthritis by Primary Care Providers - DocStyles,2018/ Dana Guglielmo
  •  Willingness of Black and White Adults to Accept Vaccines in Development : An Exploratory Study Using National Survey Data/ Sandra Crouse Quinn
  •  Fighting the Freshman Fifteen : Sleep,Exercise,and BMI in College Students/ June J.Pilcher
  •  Uneven Effects of Adverse Weather Conditions on Participation in Leisure - Time Physical Activities Across Income Levels/ Jingye shi and Yuting wang
  •  The 25 Best Book of All Time for Health Promotion Professionals/ Paul E.Terry