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Evidence-based nursing
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  London : British Medical Association, 1998-
 Frequency  รายสามเดือน
 ISSN  1367-6539
 ห้องสมุดมี  ULIB Vol 13 No July year 2010 ;Vol 11 No January year 2008 January ;Vol11NoApril,July,October,Januaryyear2008 Vol 11 No July year 2008 July,Vol 11 No April year 2008 April,Vol 11 No October year 2008 October,Vol 12 No July year 2009 July,Vol 12 No April year 2009 April,Vol 12 No January year 2009 January;Vol 10 No October year 2007 October ;Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 Vol 14 No July year 2011 July,Vol 14 No April year 2011 April,Vol 14 No October year 2011 October;Vol 15 No January year 2012 January ;Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 Vol 16 No July year 2013 July,Vol 16 No April year 2013 April,Vol 16 No January year 2013 January;Vol 17 No January year 2014 c.1 Jan 2014 ;Vol 17 No July year 2014 c.1 July 2014 ;Vol 20 No 3 year 2017 c.1 July 2017 ;Vol15,17,18year2012-2015 Vol 15 No April year 2012 April,Vol 17 No April year 2014 c.1 April 2014,Vol 18 No 1 c.1 January 2015,Vol 18 No 3 c.1 July 2015;Vol 18 No 4 c.1 October 2015 ;Vol 18 No 2 c.1 April 2015 ;Vol 19 No 1 year 2016 c.1 January 2016 ;Vol 19 No 2 year 2016 c.1 April 2016 ;Vol 19 No 3 year 2016 c.1 July 2016 ;Vol 19 No 4 year 2016 c.1 ;Vol 20 No 1 year 2017 c.1 January 2017 ;Vol 20 No 2 year 2017 c.1 April 2017 ;Vol 20 No 4 year 2017 c.1 ตุลาคม 2560 ;Vol 21 No 1 year 2018 c.1 January 2018 ;Vol 21 No 2 year 2018 c.1 April 2018 ;Vol 21 No 3 year 2018 c.1 July 2018 ;Vol 21 No 4 year 2018 c.1 October 2018 ;Vol 22 No 1 year 2019 c.1 January 2019 ;Vol 22 No 2 year 2019 c.1 April 2019 ;Vol 22 No 3 year 2019 c.1 July 2019 ;Vol 22 No 4 year 2019 c.1 October 2019 ;Vol 23 No 1 year 2020 c.1 January 2020 ;Vol 23 No 2 year 2020 c.1 April 2020 ;Vol 23 No 3 year 2020 c.1 July 2020 ;Vol 23 No 4 year 2020 c.1 October 2020 ;Vol 24 No 1 year 2021 c.1 January 2021 ;Vol 24 No 2 year 2021 c.1 April - June 2021 ;Vol 24 No 3 year 2021 c.1 July 2021 ;Vol 24 No 4 year 2021 c.1 October 2021 ;Vol 25 No 1 year 2022 c.1 January 2022 ;Vol 25 No 2 year 2022 c.1 April 2022 ;Vol 25 No 3 year 2022 c.1 July 2022 ;Vol 26 No 2 year 2023 c.1 April 2023 ;Vol 26 No 1 year 2023 c.1 ๋Janury 2023 ;Vol 25 No 4 year 2022 c.1 October 2022 ;Vol 26 No 3 year 2023 c.1 July 2023 ;Vol 26 No 4 year 2023 c.1 October 2023 ;Vol 27 No 2 year 2024 c.1 April 2024 ;Vol 27 No 1 year 2024 c.1 ๋Janury 2024
 หัวเรื่อง  Nursing Care--Periodicals
 หัวเรื่อง  Evidence-Based Medicine--Periodicals
 หัวเรื่อง  Evidence-Based Medicine--Abstracts
 หัวเรื่อง  Nurse Practitioners--Periodicals
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The case for specialist nurses / Peter Carter [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร What is meta-analysis? / Allison Shorten and Brett Shorten [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Pelvic floor muscle training may improve prolapse stage, muscle function and urinary symptoms compared to no training / Cynthia M Sublett [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร European cost-effectiveness analysis of cervical screening strategies for women not vaccinated for HPV: in many scenarios primary HPV screening is preferable to primary cytology screening in women aged over 30 years / Lynette Denny and Jane Kim [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Women with viral STIs face dilemmas in negotiating condom use and would like direct safe sex advice from clinicians / C Ann Gakumo [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Cognitive behavioural group therapy is moderately effective for depression, with continued effect for up to 6 months but not beyond / Thomas J Currid [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Review of experimental and quasi-experimental studies finds that mindfulness-based interventions are more effective than standard care for reducing depressive symptoms in adults with mental disorders / Steven Jay Lynn and Liam P Condon [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Addition of certain herbal medicines to chemotherapy may increase survival and quality of life in patients with advanced colorectal cancer / Oluwadamilola Olaku [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Adults with diabetes who perceive family members behaviour as unsupportive are less adherent to their medication regimen / Richard W Grant and Julie A Schmittdiel [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Breastfeeding duration not associated with average adiposity levels in 6-year-olds to 13-year-olds, but adequate breastfeeding may be associated with lower adiposity in the upper percentiles / Garth Edward Kendall [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Longer duration of exclusive breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of childhood asthma up to age six / Wendy Hazel Oddy [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Physical training is well tolerated, leads to improvements in cardiopulmonary fitness and is not associated with adverse outcomes in people with asthma / Shilpa Dogra [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Smoking cessation for hospitalised patients: intensive behavioural counselling started in hospital and continued after discharge increases quit rates; with additional benefit from adding nicotine replacement therapy / Jennifer Bowman and Emily Alice Stockings [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร People with unhealthy lifestyle behaviours benefit from remote coaching via mobile technology / Faryle Nothwehr [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Ideal cardiovascular health in adolescence is associated with reduced risks of hypertension, metabolic syndrome and high cholesterol in adulthood / Laura L Hayman and Sarah M Camhi [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Greater intake of Western fast food among Singaporean adults is associated with increased risk of diabetes and heart-disease-related death / Kiyah J Duffey [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Newly graduated Swedish nurses show a trend for increasing research use in the 5 years following qualification, with the trend starting after the second year / Jeannette T Crenshaw and Jane Dimmitt Champion [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Patient perception of nurse-led chronic disease management varies depending on whether this was previously familiar to them / Dympna Casey and Kathy Murphy [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Swedish nursing students report that campus education supports research utilisation more than clinical education, but support varies between universities / Janice Christie [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The mental, physical and emotional health of newly qualified nurses may be influenced by their psychological capital and perceived job fit / Peter Van Bogaert and Erik Franck [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Among elderly residents of long term care facilities, a visit to the emergency department is associated with an increased risk of acquiring a new respiratory or gastrointestinal infection / Cohort study [Vol 16 No 1-3 2013 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Psychosocial and information needs of people affected by colorectal cancer are poorly met during follow-up/ Lisa Kidd [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Listening to music may relax mechanically ventilated patients, but there are limitations to the quality of the available evidence / Ulrica Nilsson [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร A 12 month intensive supervised exercise intervention and counselling reduces HbA1c blood pressure and other modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes / Gail D Eramo Melkus [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Taking aspirin daily for at least 4 years reduces long-term risk of cancer death/ Elizabeth Ann Coleman [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร In people with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes cognitive behaviour therapy combined with motivational enhancement therapy reduces HbA1c after 12 months / Leah Brennan [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Pooled results of two small trials with few events show a non-significant trend towards increased risk of intracerebral haemorrhage in people with Alzheimer s disease / Barbara E Harrison [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Avoid benzodiazepines and opioids in people at risk of delirium / David Phillip Alldred [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The Otago strength and balance exercise programme lowers the risk of death and falls in the older people at 12 months / Lesley Day [Vol 14 No1-3 April year 2011 c.1]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร In smokers not willing to quit counselling on smoking reduction plus free nicotine replacement therapy compared with one-off cessation advice increases the proportion achieving abstinence or reduction in smoking rate at 6 months / Roberta Heale [Vol 15 No January year 2012]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Three-year follow-up after introduction of Canadian best practice guidelines for asthma and foot care in diabetes suggests that monitoring of nursing-care indicators using an electronic documentation system promotes sustained implementation / John Xavier Rolley [Vol 15 No January year 2012]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Use of real-time continuous glucose monitoring versus traditional self-monitoring of blood glucose levels improves glycaemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes / Cynthia Fritschi [Vol 15 No January year 2012]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Best interest standards do not correlate with the reality of physicians decision making in life and death choices / Antoine Payot [Vol 15 No January year 2012]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Pregnant women who experienced late stillbirth appear less likely to have slept on their left / Jane Warland [Vol 15 No January year 2012]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร 2009/H1N1 infection in pregnancy association with adverse perinatal outcomes / May Li Lim [Vol 15 No January year 2012]
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ดูแบบ: กล่อง รายการ
Vol 27 No 2 year 2024 c.1 April 2024 (2567-5-14)
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Vol 27 No 1 year 2024 c.1 ๋Janury 2024 (2567-3-19)
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Vol 26 No 4 year 2023 c.1 October 2023 (2566-12-12)
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Vol 26 No 3 year 2023 c.1 July 2023 (2566-9-18)
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Vol 26 No 2 year 2023 c.1 April 2023 (2566-6-9)
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Vol 26 No 1 year 2023 c.1 ๋Janury 2023 (2566-6-7)
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Vol 25 No 4 year 2022 c.1 October 2022 (2566-6-7)
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Vol 25 No 3 year 2022 c.1 July 2022 (2565-10-18)
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Vol 25 No 2 year 2022 c.1 April 2022 (2565-8-3)
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Vol 24 No 4 year 2021 c.1 October 2021 (2564-12-2)
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Vol 24 No 3 year 2021 c.1 July 2021 (2564-8-2)
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Vol 25 No 1 year 2022 c.1 January 2022 (2564-6-13)
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Vol 24 No 2 year 2021 c.1 April - June 2021 (2564-5-21)
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Vol 24 No 1 year 2021 c.1 January 2021 (2564-3-19)
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Vol 23 No 4 year 2020 c.1 October 2020 (2563-12-29)
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Vol 23 No 3 year 2020 c.1 July 2020 (2563-9-17)
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Vol 23 No 2 year 2020 c.1 April 2020 (2563-5-25)
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Vol 23 No 1 year 2020 c.1 January 2020 (2563-3-17)
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Vol 22 No 4 year 2019 c.1 October 2019 (2562-12-9)
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Vol 22 No 3 year 2019 c.1 July 2019 (2562-8-30)
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Vol 22 No 2 year 2019 c.1 April 2019 (2562-6-13)
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Vol 22 No 1 year 2019 c.1 January 2019 (2562-3-15)
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Vol 21 No 4 year 2018 c.1 October 2018 (2561-11-20)
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Vol 21 No 3 year 2018 c.1 July 2018 (2561-9-14)
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